Insert your Micro SD Card to your computer.Use fdisk -l command to identify your Micro SD Card location. Path to Micro SD Card may vary, mine is in /dev/sdb. One step wrong and your hard drive is lost. Take special care with dd command when flashing the image. Flashing the image to Micro SD Card using dd: Note: I am currently using a 32 GB SanDisk Micro SD Card, so I do not depend of the dock keyboard. (Not tested) If you have TF101 SBK2, you may need to extract Nvflash from here.
How to update asus tf101 install#
In case you are using Windows, you may have to install adb system-wide.
How to update asus tf101 how to#
This is a guide about how to run Native Linux on the Asus Eee Pad Transformer TF101. The easier way is downloading my prebuilt image file, but the recommended way is building everything from scratch. ⚠️ Note: If you use my prebuilt image file, mind that you won't have official PostmarketOS support to ask for issues. READ ALL THE GUIDE AND TROUBLESHOOTING SECTION BEFORE POSTING AN ISSUE. PLEASE BACKUP YOUR DATA BEFORE CONTINUING. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE OF BREAKING YOUR TF101. YOU CAN ALSO STICK WITH THE OLD DOWNSTREAM RELEASE. IF YOU HAVE TF101 SBK2, TEST IT WITH YOUR OWN RISK. IT REQUIRES NVFLASH KEYS, WHICH ARE CURRENTLY UNKNOWN. TF101G and SL101 VARIANTS ARE NOT SUPPORTED AT THE MOMENT.

Native Linux on the Asus Eee Pad Transformer TF101 using PostmarketOS Disclaimer